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Few organizations can guarantee academic goals, raise test scores and secure

grades needed for success. It's our hallmark...


A Charitable Non-Profit 

501 (c)(3)Education Support Organization:

Being Advocates for the Children Left Behind

Mind Your Books Education, Inc. ©


We are a non-profit organization of licensed Educators and Principals in service of kiddos and families in need of accelerated learning. We began our work in the Juvenile Justice court. The vetted quality of our work is respected and deemed highly effective. We make a difference in the lives of the youth that we work with. We have been preferred providers for Nevada and nationally through virtual services.

It is fact and not opinion that Nevada is in a percolating position between the bottom and the very bottom of the National Report Card for the United States of America. We know that under-served children come in all races, colors, and sizes, but they are the ones who suffer the most when the playing field is tilted. This systemic injustice of educational inequity feeds into the cycle of poverty and oppression, and contributes greatly to a pervasive lack of preparedness for opportunities for upward mobility in poor, socioeconomically depressed communities.


Through intensive data analysis, we help to sustain academic growth whether gifted, autistic, general, or special education. Our purpose is to help uphold the pillars of good, sound educational best practices. 

We fix what we find, and advocate with you in your child's behalf at school. Professional to professional, and working in harmony with the school team for academic, behavioral, and IEP needs, the student receives the balancing support that they've missed along their journey. 


We formally assess each student through formal platforms. Then we take the learning plan and teach. It's what teachers are trained to do! We take pride in our collective veteran knowledge and skill. Thank you for trusting us, and appreciating the work that we do in the community together with you. Here's a glimpse of what we offer:

  • NWEA Map Growth Quarterly Assessments 
  • Click above to access the NWEA Student Practice Test Links (password and username: grow)
  • Mathnasium Mind Your Books will formally assess the kiddos in math and share the NWEA results with Mathnasium for individualized curriculum design

  • IXL practice accounts for every student and more!
  • Progress Reports
  • Support with school, homework, and missing work 
  • Nevada Academic Standards, NGSS and Common Core approved curriculum Pre-K through Professional
  • Psychotherapy Board approved Social Emotional Curriculum

Spirit & Mind Behavioral Services  is staffed with licensed therapists and clinicans offering HIPAA compliant TeleHealth services.


It is our moral and professional responsibility to contribute to reversing these damaging effects of poor social training, and inadequate education within the lives of children. We are who we say we are. We do what we say we can do. 

Don't forget to love!  


We Level the Playing Field for All Whom we Serve

We appreciate your support to the children by making a donation of any amount to this Non-Profit to help us with resources!  




Service with Love 


Call Now to Book With Licensed Teachers and Administrators




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